We find it in the shining sun.
This week we started Math. Boy did I ever have myself stressed out! It's not because I am concerned about math. I like math! I think it was just that a change was occurring. Now I have to have a morning lesson planned, and a somewhat structured afternoon practice time, not just a puzzle or some other project Brother already does on a regular basis. Once we were started it felt really good.
So we read the fairy tale "The Stolen Bairn and the Sidh", which is a Celtic tale. The tale itself included a lot of items that characterized the essence of the number one. one baby, one path, one king, one old grandmother, one hurt person, etc.
After reading the story, sleeping on the story, and then recalling the story, we discussed the story. Brother found 11 different "ones" in the story. Then we drew our picture in our "Good Books".
We had the common elements that I wanted him to put in the picture - the digit ONE, the written word, the dot, the roman numeral. Then Brother added a couple items that he came up with on his own - the moon, and the clock. My additional item was the baby from the story.
Here's Baby's picture. He sat at the table with us and wanted to be included.
After we were finished with our math exercise, Brother wanted to create a picture based on the story. This is the Sidh King in his hall. I didn't realize that there was a castle in the story, but he did. He really loves castles!