Our yard was not at all ready to make into a garden this spring when it was time to plant. There are so many trees in our area, that I am not sure where we get enough sun for which plants. It really makes me miss my old garden with 4 large raised beds on the south side of the house receiving full sun all day. Plus, I had made the soil myself per the Square Foot Gardener method. It was very easy to be a successful gardener there.
This year we are mainly relying on containers for our gardening. I went to our local nursery where they have a bin full of used containers. When people buy a potted plant, they can return the pot to the pile for people like me to come and borrow for a while. It's a great system. I have eight tomatoes in various parts of our yard. They are all doing well, which is a fabulous surprise.
I also bought our first horse trough to make into a container. It's an investment but I just think they are so pretty, and it should last forever. I invested in a good, organic, potting soil. I can really tell the difference between good soil and the rocky, sandy soil in the front garden bed. These beans are so lovely and strong while the ones out front are yellow!