Monday, February 1, 2010

Imbolc week

This week is Imbolc! We are celebrating it in our own way, focusing on nature and what is going on in the world around us.

We are holding to our morning rhythm and incorporating the celebration into our day. For circle today I added the fingerplay element. So our circle looks like this now:

.5 mile walk
form walk - curves and straight line
Gathering Song
Winter White
Snowflakes - and a short grounding activity
Fingerplay - A Little Bit Of Snow
Closing Song
Closing Spiral

The words to the fingerplay are:

A little bit of blowing,
A little bit of snow,
A little bit of growing,
And Hellebore will show,
On every twig that's lonely,
A new green leaf will spring,
On every patient treetop
A Jenny wren will sing.

Brother loves it! We have a Hellebore in our yard that is blooming, the twigs are budding, and he loves Jenny Wren from our nature reading.

Next week my goal is to add beginning recorder walking.

We also made this lovely soup suggested by M. Johnson on this Yahoo! Group

Mmm, it is so delicious. Looking in her files, we found a wonderful poem called "Wish For The Fields" that she wrote. I don't want to post it because I don't have permission. But, if anyone else is looking for a nature based Candlemas poem, the group files are very extensive.

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